6.00am Dawn service and blessing of pou and flagpole

9.00am Military memorial service at Otamataha/Mission Cemetery

Followed by morning tea at Trinity Wharf

12.00pm Powhiri for Kingitanga and Nga Iwi o Te Motu at Gate Pā Reserve

2.00pm Commemoration march and wero


Service and Ceremony of Reconciliation

2.45pm Colour party marches on and installs flags

Mihi to Governor-General and manuhiri on behalf of Tauranga Moana – Morehu Ngatoko- waiata

Response from manuhiri (Lewis Moeau) - waiata

Mihi to Governor-General and manuhiri on behalf of visiting iwi – Tom Roa – waiata

Response from manuhiri (Dr Peter Sharples) waiata

Closing Mihi for Tauranga Moana – Hauata Palmer

Hariru Governor-General and VIP'S

Karakia – Māori/Pākehā

MC: Charlie Rahiri announces order of service and ceremony and invites Governor General to deliver a short address:


Governor General’s address

3.35pm Blessing and scripture reading: Romans 12:20

Korero - Monsignor Frank Eggleton

Choir to sing hymn – Abide with Me – music by NZ Army band

MC invites Justice Joe Williams to deliver the inaugural Battle of Gate Pā Address

MC invites John Hebenton Vicar, St George’s Church to deliver Address of Reconciliation

Military – general salute

Ngai Tamarawaho leads singing of the national anthem – music by NZ Army band

Military left turn – order arms

Blessing and benediction for safe travel – Pihopa Ngarahu

Poroporoaki and karakia whakamutunga

4.15pm Parade falls out

Afternoon tea

4.30pm Governor General departs